The work of the Tacoma Athletic Commission is possible because of members and the committees. There are 10 standing committees within the TAC. These committees are looking for members to help in a variety of capacities. There are positions that are hands on, behind the scenes, logistical, technical, and must more. Please review the list of committees below and see which one you would be interested in joining. If you are not sure which committee you would like to join and would like to discuss which one would be a good fit for you, contact Karyn Siegrist. The committees are listed below with their chairs noted. To sign-up for a committee contact the chair or Karyn Siegrist. You will see that there are two committees which currently do not have a chair. If you have been interested in taking a leadership role in the TAC, this is a great way to start the process. TAC STANDING COMMITTEES S-1 AOY (Athlete of the Year) (Chair: Willie Stewart) *Tom Names Salute to Sports *TV Tacoma AOY Broadcast S-2: ClubRunner (Chair: Karyn Seigrist) *Newsletter *Member Communications S-3: Corporate Partners (Chair: Mark Mininger) *Sports Discount Card *Fundraising/Grants S-4: Finance (Chair: Terry Ziegler) S-5: Golden Gloves (Chair: Greg Plancich) S-6: Grant Awards (Chair:__________________) S-7: Golf Tournament (Chair:__________________) S-8: Membership (Chair: Pat Garlock) S-9: Programs/Speakers (Chair: Jim Whitacre) S-10: School Connectors (Chair: Aaron Roetcisoender) |