Riya Joshi is funny, talented, and extremely hard working. She joined the Charles Wright varsity tennis team last year as an eighth grader with flexibility in her playing style to suit the needs of the team. This year, as a freshman, she earned her spot at second singles with eagerness to have a fulfilling season — and that she has. Heading into her last home match, Joshi has won every match she has played, preparing for the league tournament with an undefeated season. She brings positive energy to the team and is the glue that brings each player together as one. Not only is she undefeated, but Joshi is a also phenomenal student who balances all of her classes with ease, achieving straight As. Her teachers have nothing but tremendous compliments for her, one saying “”Riya is self-motivated, hard working, consistently puts effort into her work showing enthusiasm in everything she does. She is a role model to students and those in our community.””