We hope that you are able to join us on Thursday for our Lunch meeting.
The program will be Ali Criss – financial planner at Financial Insights by day and avid sky diver by night….well maybe not during the night. Ali will be speaking about her sky diving career. Over the years she has been a part of groups that have set state and world records for their dives. Pictured is the 2017 Women’s Upright Record and the 2018 World Upright Record. We hope you can join us on Thursday.
Lunch Information:
Menu: Taco bar
Cost: $13
Please arrive about 11:45 to allow for some fellowship time while you are getting your lunch and finding a seat. The meeting will begin at 12:00
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 870 6051 4322
Passcode: 006887
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87060514322#,,,,*006887# US (Tacoma)