As a Title 1 school, Franklin Pierce has some struggles with academics and involvement. However, the boys cross country team has consistently demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in the classroom and on the course. The senior boys this season make up four of the top five varsity spots on our team. They are all four-year varsity lettermen in cross country and have broken countless records while at Franklin Pierce. However, their involvement doesn’t stop on the course. Two of the four are also completing their associate’s degrees while in high school and will be graduating in the spring with their high school diplomas and associate’s degrees from Pierce College. Another senior is a four-year leadership student, current senior class president, and has held various other leadership and involvement roles throughout his time in high school. The fourth senior varsity boy has a high school cumulative GPA of 3.93 and received offers from top schools to continue his academic and athletic accomplishments after graduation. These four seniors set the bar for being exemplary student athletes with their work ethic, dedication to academic excellence, and athletic prowess. The varsity squad is completed by a sophomore in the fifth spot who set the team record for personal records in a season with seven and was voted Rookie of the Year as a freshman by his teammates. The sixth and seventh varsity spots are held by two freshmen coming from the local middle school. They are as dedicated as the current seniors were as freshmen and will continue the strong academic and athletic performances in the coming years.